Wednesday, February 19, 2014


I'm going to do my instructions on how to make a great coffee as an employee of Dunkin' Donuts. I have worked there for about 5 years, and consider this one of my greatest (and also really one of my lamest)  accomplishments. There is actually a process beyond what you are trained to do that adds to the flavor. It is all in the tiny details of what you do. It will be interesting to write what comes naturally to me at this point. It might honestly be a challenge, but I'm up for it. It may also be a challenge color coordinating these instructions because Dunkin's mix of orange and purple isn't easy to work with.

1 comment:

  1. Interested to hear more. I can never make a cup of coffee as good as it is when I get it from Dunkin's. Although a great cup of coffee is subjective, I can see this being informative of what goes on behind the counters at DD.
